Modified scattering for the three dimensional Maxwell-Dirac system

Mihaela Ifrim (U of Wisconsin-Madison)

May 13. 2024, 14:00 — 15:00

In this work we prove global well-posedness for the massive Maxwell-Dirac equation in the Lorentz gauge in $\mathbb{R}^{1+3}$, for small and localized initial data, as well as modified scattering for the solutions. In doing so, we heuristically exploit the close connection between massive Maxwell-Dirac and the wave-Klein-Gordon equations, while  developing a novel approach which applies directly at the level of the Dirac equations. This is joint work with Sebastian Herr and Martin Spitz.

Further Information
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Associated Event:
Nonlinear Waves and Relativity (Thematic Programme)
Roland Donninger (U of Vienna)
David Fajman (U of Vienna)
Birgit Schörkhuber (U of Innsbruck)